Oct 31, 2018


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more.

E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed collateral on tables, aprons.

It would also be awesome to show a large touchscreen which had our website at the event where participants could upload advice and recipes. And since it's at the event, the youth could help the seniors with how to navigate the website. 

If we have time we will do that but we are pushing it quite thin! 

This a mock up to show how an advice wall might work. The participants would use the notepads provided to answer to a question of the week to then pin up to be collected and viewed.

Other website pages

Other website pages we are mocking up are a couple advice pages and recipe pages. These pages act as a database of advice and recipes collected at the events, so even if you have not attended the social spoon events you can still benefit from gaining advice and seniors get to feel valued that their recipes are being used and shared.

Tallulah started to apply the new style to the recipe page...

But i have taken over the website design as Tallulah is focuses on other aspects and it makes sense with such little time left to split up jobs rather than both working on the same touchpoint.

Ive updated this recipe page...

and also the advice page...

When you land on the advice page, you first pick a question which interests you. You then click on it to view who has answered the question and read their response. 

Previously the advice page was looking like this...

The next link of the advice age would include our photographic style. Showing who has answered the question. 

The book

Thinking about what size this collective book might be... Also what exactly to call it?

Since it would come out multiple times we could add what volume or if it comes out seasonally then could have the year and season added to it.

The book would be a nice tangible thing for the participants to collect and could also inspire people to give as gifts and act as a piece of marketing in itself for The Social Spoon.

A5 might be too small to fit all of the content we want and doesn't really have a magazine feel. A5 could work. Also when you open up an A4 book it is quite large.. could go for an in-between size which is easy to carry around.

The book needs to contain 2 types of spreads... advice spreads and recipe spreads. T~his means we can just mock up a couple of these and photograph them so they appear to be a whole book which has been designed.

It would be really nice to have a drawing of the person who has given advice. Although this seems quite unrealistic... everyone would have ot have their own drawing. Maybe we could combine a photographic element to our designs.

Included a little section on the recipe pages where the person who entered the recipe can have a few tips or notes about the recipe.

Another recipe spread. Adding the new style.

Keep a colour section method to the book.  One colour for recipes and another for advice spreads.

Oct 28, 2018

We have created a joint business card and loyalty card. This loyalty card could act as an incentive to go to more than one event, for it to become a habit of going to events as you can tick off more of your loyalty card and in the end get money off of your book.

This is a double sided card which folds in half.

Oct 27, 2018

I have added an intro next to the logo because when first landing on the site you would want to straight away know what it is about. 

I have also adapted the calendar part and added a location part as well. This just helps to viewer get more information about up-coming event and the 'detail' button would have a pop up with all of the details needed to get to the event e.g. the address and time it is on. 

Tuesday week 11

Today Jason and Tim were hoping we would have a dossier draft ready to show them but unfortunately we do not... We have been carrying on with all of our touch points and trying to create a cohesive style.

To try adapt a new style ive stopped looking at the website because I need something new to look at, the website is making me go crazy! Last week Tim mentioned that while our logo was better, having the "social" part of it as a stroke and the rest as fill actually does the opposite to what we want. The "social' gets lost and thats the most important part. So I have also been looking into how to resolve this.

I decided to just go crazy and get some hand-drawn gestures and movement into our design and also get away from the red! This is what I have come up with for the flyer...I actually like it! It works much better than our old red/blue geometric style and has so much more excitement and energy.

Ill now see if i can apply this style to the website pages.

Im feeling so much better about this style and its getting me much more excited to just pump out all of our other touchpoints.

I showed Jason this home page and new style...We need to play with hierachy of size and get rid of the centre aligned text. We can make the gestural colourful bits much smaller and let the drawings take the centre stage but right now it's looking a little bit crazy.  We also need to try to get some rhythm and let some drawings be super big and others smaller.

Also, Jason isnt so keen on the semi-transparent numbers behind the text. If they are going to be behind the text then make them huge ordon'tt do it at all!

He also didnt quite understand my little up-coming date calendar. Since we arent including a calendar page anymore because its not really needed, I thought id include a smaller one in the homepage as a reminder of events that are coming up, but obviously I need to play around with how I want to do this. At the moment Jason said he thought it was a countdown of some sort.

Friday week 10

Interim presentation

It was awesome seeing other groups work today. It seems like a lot of people have a lot more done than us at this stage which is concerning us! We need to get our ass into gear!

While we were nervous to show our project after seeing how great the other teams stuff looked, we actually got really positive feedback both on our idea and style.

We were massively complimented on how great our drawings are an how they look so time-consuming. They actually first assumed that we didnt draw them ourselves. So this was a relief seeing as we have put a lot of time into these drawings.

There was one thing the groups were undecided on and that was our colour palette. One person said that our use of red was "aggressive" while other people liked the combination of red and blue and said it was a nice bold choice.

Im undecided on how I feel about it now. i can see how it actually could look quite aggressive, especially with our sharp geometric shapes. It seems like we are going in circles wiht our website style! I know we will get there but we need to hurry up!

Tim came over and had a quick look at the website after our groups had finished. He said that he was not liking our geometric shapes and how we had cropped our drawings by them. He reminded us that our idea is about being social so what are these shapes doing for this idea of connecting and being social?... Not much! Back to the drawing board!

Tuesday week10

In class today i tried to attend mot of the workshops. They were quite useful.

Ive shown the updated website to Tallulah and she is liking the new direction.

Need to play around with the footer. It's a bit blocky. Thought id put a subscribe form at the bottom. Although we will have a link to sign up form somewhere else. 

Also starting to think about how our collective "book" might look. Im excited to make and print that. I think the paper stock and the end print product will make a big impact on our printed touchpoints. Will definitely be visiting Gordon Harris to buy paper and do test prints.  

Some inspo for printed things:

Cookbook by Danielle Vazquez, Shillington Graduatebureaucollective. P&P: interesting concept for a zine; it has to be ripped open at the side before the reader can peruse the contents. Would they keep the secrets inside, or would they tear it open?picnic‘Chef’s Special‘ – a seasonal print publication from Meat and Livestock Australia, designed by SA-based design studio Mash.

The book will be a collection of all of the recipes and also advice shared at the social spoon events. So it needs to act as both a cookbook and an advice book. We aren't sure at the moment if this book will come out every 6 months or every 3-4 months. But it will be like a subscribed magazine type thing that will cost to buy. The proceeds would go to keeping the Social Spoon running. Although members could get a discount. Potentially we could have a loyalty type card which acts like a coffee card... The more events you go to the more you get off the collective book subscription. 

Friday Week 9

Over the week I have continued playing with style. Ive been trying to get more contrast and exciting bold colours into the website.

Ive started with the landing page...

Inverting the colours and using a bold vibrant colour has already made such a huge difference. Now its just the challenge of trying to create our own contrasting/juxtaposing style which works with our already made hand drawn elements.

Since our logo has a slightly geometric feel to it I thought I would play with this in the website style. Im playing with geometric shapes interacting with the drawings. Its definitely more exciting than the last style. One thing im definitely not liking is those colourful buttons (squares) they just aren't working, the colours look horrible. I'll just stick to blue and red for now.

For now Im going to stop with the website and start looking into the flyer and other print touch points.

Ive started applying the same style to the flyer. This would be one side of the flyer and the other side would have all of the information on it.

Tuesday Week 9

Ive been going back and forth and moving things around on the website...
I just really want to get the style sorted quickly on the website and approved so we can apply it to everything else.

Its just not looking how I envisioned! I think the colours are just bland and not doing anything for us. It's very static and rigid as well. 

In class we laid out everything we had in order to start thinking about the presentation order.

It was really useful to get absolutely everything we had out on the ground (mostly to remind ourselves how behind we are)...

We didn't quite get onto the presentation preparation because we just aren't at that stage. We brainstormed everything we need and are missing and looked at some barriers and what we are missing. We wrote all of the touch points we are missing on individual pieces of paper. this was quite overwhelming but also motivational.

We had a quick chat with Tim. He mentioned that we need to be careful that our style is cohesive. Even though we are keeping the hand-drawn aesthetic we need to make sure that, for example, the line weight should look the same etc... We also told him we are starting to feel overwhelmed with barriers.  That the more we strategise and think about how the event will work, the more we halt our progress. Tim mentioned that although we should try to make this event as realistic as possible, some of the barriers might actually be in our head and that we should just push through them and keep designing. A little bit of blue sky thinking is acceptable. 

Seeing how much we have to do has given me a new burst of inspiration to sort out our style on the website. Tallulah and I discussed the style issue and we realised that we are focusing our style too much on the senior audience... Yet we have a youth audience as well! We could use this juxtaposition of old and young to our advantage and explore it in our style. We are going to look at more artist models and new inspiration.

This is a great example of contrasting two styles which could speak about our opposing audiences...

Suggestion: combine type, images and photos - overprint colour slightly transparent for this effect.

I gave the style a shot but I feel as if this is too close to copying... We need to think of our own style!

Have also gone back to the logo and kept adapting. Tim mentioned that the swirly script font was good but we need to be careful with the small details like the kerning and lining up the letters and trying to keep them about the same size. All of this just overwhelmed me and I just don't think I have the time to fiddle around with a hand script font. So I've decided to stick with a computer font and keep the hand-drawn spoon. The still works well because it contrasts modern and vintage or youth and seniors.

Oct 22, 2018

Friday Week 8

Between Tuesday and today Ive been trying to find a an appropriate style for everything. It need to suit both seniors and youth.

We are thinking something that's timeless and elegant and clean. From the first 4 week we started this style and had hand drawn line drawings with a red pop colour palette. We really liked the look of the vintage style drawings (even though they take some time to do). So we think we'll keep that but maybe change colour palette.

I thought id try make the website first and then apply the style to the printed touchpoints.
FInding some simple, elegant websites to draw inspiration. Also need to keep in mind an elderly audience when designing the website. So font needs to be big and navigation should be easy.

Coderra Ltd. is a Cheshire web design company near Nantwich, Whitchurch, Crewe and Chester. Coderra Ltd. are Wordpress website design specialists. We design, create and convert websites into content management systems so that customers can update, maintain and develop their own websites within their business. Visit www.coderra.co.uk for more details

Beiges and browns are easy on the eye.

디자인 나스 (designnas) 학생 웹디자인 (bx web micro site) 포트폴리오입니다. / 키워드 : brand, bx, ui, ux, design, brand experience, bx design, ui design, ux design, web, web site, micro site, portfolio / 디자인나스의 작품은 모두 학생작품입니다. all rights reserved designnas / www.designnas.com
Black and white with pastel pops of colour look elegant and simple. Also a good example of how to include illustrations.

Also found this really nice website http://www.lapierrequitourne.com/

It also uses illustration and colour in a beautiful way which is also fun and youthful.

I particularly like how they have repeated the menu bar but bigger with illustrations slightly further down the page. This would be great for the senior audience who might appreciate large buttons and images to explain the buttons.

Calander page I designed. Not sure about the pink and even if we need a calendar page.
Homepage design 
It's a good first draft but not exactly got the wow factor. 

Have also been brainstorming a name and logo for this event. We have been going back and forth for the past week and it's been tough to come up with something thats speaks of connecting and about food or cooking. 

Some name ideas:
the wise cook, the wise kitchen, the wise chef, cooking wise, kitchen wise, cook wise, chef wise, the wise grand, grand wise, the wooden spoon, the old duck, the wise owl, the wise kiwi, the wise lemon, two wise wolves, alpaca, wise wombat, the wise table, talking teapot, wise teapot, audreys kitchen, granny smith apples, the grey table, the grey...something
After much brainstorming, we think we have come to an agreement on The Social Spoon. It says both communicating, or community or chatting and also refers to eating or cooking. 

Thinking of a script logo to carry on with the vintage style of our website...

Turns out its really hard to make a well made handcrafted script logo...

2nd try...

I'm starting to like this logo. We thought we would add the addition of a retro style hand drawn spoon. Having the spoon introduces the style of our brand before they see the collateral. 

Some inspo which inspired this style:

drawn to this color scheme, but not sure it works w/ this concept? i dunno.
Two fishes are forming fork in negative space, representing restaurant that mainly serves fish. This is modern, vintage logo design.
Blue and red double exposure mimics retro 3D along with vintage typography in greeninblue's ice cream logo. #restaurant #design #seal

These script logos have a vintage feel. Some of them also include an illustration of sorts which works with the script font.

We also had a chat this week with Tim. he rasied some questions about how the event might actually work, like who supplies food? How will we promote... we have two different audiences. We need to make it a comfortable experience and not awkward to arrive.

Tim also brought up an important thing to take note of... How does it sound saying elderly? Will the word 'elderly put people off? we need to be careful how we word and explin this event. When you think of elderly you think of very old frail people. In truth we are talking about seniors... from now on we will use the term seniors!

Sep 23, 2018

Tuesday Week 8 (2nd exchange)

5 ways to well being

Our idea seems to easily hit all 5 ways to well-being. "Be active" is potentially the only one which is not as strong. But being active is a relative term, for seniors going for a 10 minute walk to the supermarket can be being active. Or cleaning for example. So the idea that we are getting seniors out of their houses and physically outside of their usual routine is an important factor. 

Journey map:

We brainstormed a quick journey for the elderly of how they might find out about the event to the logistics of getting there and what will happen there.

Because we have such different audiences, it's important we cater to each one. Elderly might be most comfortable with physical things which they can keep rather than say a social media advert or a poster. We already know that Wellington City mission visits the elderly and so a flyer could be distributed to seniors living alone and also in public spaces like the supermarkets or doctors etc...  We were thinking that maybe the flyer could have a form which the seniors fill out and gets sent back to us as an RSVP.  The flyer would need a lot of information, about what it is, where it is etc...

We would have a website where people can see the next events and get information and potentially sign up on the site.

We also just thought it would be nice to have a book which is a collection of recipes from the events. And because we want to continue the idea of sharing advice, the book could contain advice from the events.

At the event, we are still using cooking as an icebreaker to start conversations and make relationships. We believe the event could let two generations benefit from the company of each other and one way the seniors could help youth is through advice. The participants would be encouraged to chat and share advice with each other.

There could also be an "advice wall" where people pin up their advice for others to see.

Here is a list of potential print out touch points:
  • Poster
  • flyer
  • contact card exchange
  • question cards
  • a loyalty card (like a coffee card). 
  • a notepad
  • business card
  • name tag
  • calendar/reminder/dates card
  • the collective book
Another touchpoint would be the website.

2nd Exchange

Met up with my exchange group again. It felt like the first meet up again because I had to explain my idea from scratch and I didn't have any design to show them because our idea was is so new! I explained our new event-based idea and everyone loved it. Previously, a couple of people were concerned about the app and how it wouldn't work with seniors, but now they think its a great idea for targeting those who don't see their grandchildren much. It also means that seniors can bring their friends along and it becomes more of a social gathering.

Geogia mentioned that her Nana has become quite timid and comfortable in her routine and that a social gathering like this might be really intimidating. This is something to seriously consider. Perhaps we just advertise to bring along a friend. And also using the social workers who visit seniors to encourage them would be a great idea.

The atmosphere and things at the event would be important fo rthis aspect as well, to settle the participants and make them comfortable.

Sep 16, 2018

SuperCrit!! Week 7 Friday

Inbetween Tuesdays class and the super crit Tallulah and I weren't feeling completely happy with our idea. We saw so many potholes which we couldn't get our heads around. Something just felt off!

We started brainstorming how we could adapt our idea to something different and not as predictable as an app. We thought about product design and smart objects but in the end, we went around in circles and ended up wasting hours! 

In order to have something to show for the super crit we decided to stick with our original idea and mock up some low-fi wireframes.

Crit 1 

We received feedback mostly on our idea rather than actually how the app would work because we didn't have it mocked up to a stage where that was possible, unfortunately. Instead, we received some useful feedback about what features we might need or some areas which had problems to resolve. Tim quickly popped in and mentioned that this didn't have to be super realistic and we could pretend we had lots of sponsorship from companies or areas/spaces we could use. This idea of using a space sparked some big ideas!

We  changed  adapted our idea!!

Some frantic brainstorming...

So we have changed our idea... We are now adapting a cooking app where you cook with your grandparent. To a cooking space where you cook with strangers.

We thought we could have a communal kitchen space where you pair up with an elderly and cook together. It is an event which might be every week or every other week. This idea solves the issue of if a grandparent or youth doesnt have a relation or lives far away from a relation so that they can still have the benefits of engaging with someone from another generation.

We are currently brainstorming how the logistics of it would work out and where our designing would come in. We realised we could have a lot of printed stuff for the event which got us motivated again. At the moment there are many touchpoints we could cover. But what we need to do is work out how to attract both audiences and what our style might look like to do this. 


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...