Oct 27, 2018

Tuesday week10

In class today i tried to attend mot of the workshops. They were quite useful.

Ive shown the updated website to Tallulah and she is liking the new direction.

Need to play around with the footer. It's a bit blocky. Thought id put a subscribe form at the bottom. Although we will have a link to sign up form somewhere else. 

Also starting to think about how our collective "book" might look. Im excited to make and print that. I think the paper stock and the end print product will make a big impact on our printed touchpoints. Will definitely be visiting Gordon Harris to buy paper and do test prints.  

Some inspo for printed things:

Cookbook by Danielle Vazquez, Shillington Graduatebureaucollective. P&P: interesting concept for a zine; it has to be ripped open at the side before the reader can peruse the contents. Would they keep the secrets inside, or would they tear it open?picnic‘Chef’s Special‘ – a seasonal print publication from Meat and Livestock Australia, designed by SA-based design studio Mash.

The book will be a collection of all of the recipes and also advice shared at the social spoon events. So it needs to act as both a cookbook and an advice book. We aren't sure at the moment if this book will come out every 6 months or every 3-4 months. But it will be like a subscribed magazine type thing that will cost to buy. The proceeds would go to keeping the Social Spoon running. Although members could get a discount. Potentially we could have a loyalty type card which acts like a coffee card... The more events you go to the more you get off the collective book subscription. 


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...