Oct 31, 2018

Other website pages

Other website pages we are mocking up are a couple advice pages and recipe pages. These pages act as a database of advice and recipes collected at the events, so even if you have not attended the social spoon events you can still benefit from gaining advice and seniors get to feel valued that their recipes are being used and shared.

Tallulah started to apply the new style to the recipe page...

But i have taken over the website design as Tallulah is focuses on other aspects and it makes sense with such little time left to split up jobs rather than both working on the same touchpoint.

Ive updated this recipe page...

and also the advice page...

When you land on the advice page, you first pick a question which interests you. You then click on it to view who has answered the question and read their response. 

Previously the advice page was looking like this...

The next link of the advice age would include our photographic style. Showing who has answered the question. 


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...