We started brainstorming how we could adapt our idea to something different and not as predictable as an app. We thought about product design and smart objects but in the end, we went around in circles and ended up wasting hours!
In order to have something to show for the super crit we decided to stick with our original idea and mock up some low-fi wireframes.
Crit 1
We received feedback mostly on our idea rather than actually how the app would work because we didn't have it mocked up to a stage where that was possible, unfortunately. Instead, we received some useful feedback about what features we might need or some areas which had problems to resolve. Tim quickly popped in and mentioned that this didn't have to be super realistic and we could pretend we had lots of sponsorship from companies or areas/spaces we could use. This idea of using a space sparked some big ideas!
We changed adapted our idea!!
Some frantic brainstorming...
So we have changed our idea... We are now adapting a cooking app where you cook with your grandparent. To a cooking space where you cook with strangers.
We thought we could have a communal kitchen space where you pair up with an elderly and cook together. It is an event which might be every week or every other week. This idea solves the issue of if a grandparent or youth doesnt have a relation or lives far away from a relation so that they can still have the benefits of engaging with someone from another generation.
We are currently brainstorming how the logistics of it would work out and where our designing would come in. We realised we could have a lot of printed stuff for the event which got us motivated again. At the moment there are many touchpoints we could cover. But what we need to do is work out how to attract both audiences and what our style might look like to do this.