Oct 31, 2018

The book

Thinking about what size this collective book might be... Also what exactly to call it?

Since it would come out multiple times we could add what volume or if it comes out seasonally then could have the year and season added to it.

The book would be a nice tangible thing for the participants to collect and could also inspire people to give as gifts and act as a piece of marketing in itself for The Social Spoon.

A5 might be too small to fit all of the content we want and doesn't really have a magazine feel. A5 could work. Also when you open up an A4 book it is quite large.. could go for an in-between size which is easy to carry around.

The book needs to contain 2 types of spreads... advice spreads and recipe spreads. T~his means we can just mock up a couple of these and photograph them so they appear to be a whole book which has been designed.

It would be really nice to have a drawing of the person who has given advice. Although this seems quite unrealistic... everyone would have ot have their own drawing. Maybe we could combine a photographic element to our designs.

Included a little section on the recipe pages where the person who entered the recipe can have a few tips or notes about the recipe.

Another recipe spread. Adding the new style.

Keep a colour section method to the book.  One colour for recipes and another for advice spreads.


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...