Aug 2, 2018

Week 3 Friday

Today we presented our briefs and looked at our peers brief. It was useful to see where everyone else was at and we learnt what works and what doesn't by critiquing others briefs. This helped us to make changes to our own - problems we could only see after seeing the problem in anothers brief.

One thing we have been struggling with is how to differentiate the "desired outcome" from "how might we". Ours have been very similar and a bit repetitive. We need to change our how might we to more specific actionable propositions and desired outcome is general.

The presentation exercise was really useful. It forced us to quickly write down and summarise on a pieces of paper what exactly we meant and wanted to get a across about each point. We were able to concrete our idea further and get to the essence of what we wanted to say quicker.

We presented our brief to another group and some of the feedback was:

  • it was clear and interesting topic. 
  • it would be a challenge to get the visits consistent. 
  • we repeated ourselves in the audience part as we had already stated the audience in the current situation part. 
  • they enjoyed that we started off with the current situation as it got straight to the point so they knew what we were talking about. 

Draft of the our brief we showed the class...


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...