Well-being spread.
We've decided to have well-being as its own spread because it is important but slightly different from the rest of the content. We've also chosen to put it as the centrefold so when the brochure falls open it lands on an uplighting spread.
We were told that this handwritten quote was hard to read so we are moving it to the back as something to finish on and using this spread to have more photos.
We have a lot of info right now on your precedents page. We want a design example but we also want to talk about various cultures and their customs... We need to dramatically cut down the info as we want it to fit on one spread.
As part of our design aesthetic, we are adding a contents page. This is reminiscent of a novel. And also has function as our brochure is 20 pages long.
The cover.
Our first thought was to have an image of an elderly person on the front cover to make is clear what the brochure was going to be about.
In exploring this idea we decided if we push the image off the side so the man is cut in half, the back page could have a young boy as the other half of his face. By placing the images there when you open the book the two would be physically separated which speaks to our idea of the separation of generations.
We tried this out and decided it just wasn't looking awesome.
Becasue we've added chapters and made the decision to go with a book theme we thought we needed to make it more obvious or the chapter sections might just seem random.
Added the suggestion of a book spine on the side and kept the front calm and centered.
I drew a lone grandma walking away with a long shadow to add a bit more tension and break up the centred layout. Her being alone and small reflects loneliness as well as the bare cover. It also shows the grandma getting up from her armchair (on back cover) and walking out into the world.
To visualise some statistics we gained in our research we chose to show them as a literal pie graph, granny's pie. It fits in with our other illustrations. We added these statistics because it was mentioned in a critique that there wasn't enough about the youth and seeing as we are wanting youth to take action it makes sense to have more info about them!