Jul 29, 2018

Visual Brief Re-worked


Lonely elderly people who are struggling to connect with others, especially youth, on a day to day basis and feel extremely isolated. 

In order to connect the elderly with younger generations we are also targeting youth to actively engage with elderly people and build intergenerational relationships.

Existing Situation: 
Elderly people are often lonely and isolated due to the passing away of friends/partners causing a lack of social interaction. There is also often a divide between the elderly and younger generations which can augment the feeling of loneliness. Since the daily lives of the youth and the elderly often don't cross paths, there is often little interaction between the two generations.

Desired Action & Outcome: 
Getting elderly people re-engaged and re-established as valued members of our communities and provide them with opportunities to connect and engage with youth. Idealistically these intergenerational relationships will not only improve the daily mental well-being of the elderly but will also provide the youth with new experiences and build new relationships….

Current barrier or opportunity: 
There is a level of shame and embarrassment surrounded by expressing that you are lonely. Many feel it is either their own fault or a reflection of their families unwillingness, or inability, to care enough for them. This stigma creates a significant barrier that isolates the individual and develops a barrier to seeking help. There could be an opportunity for different generations to find common interest in an attempt to harbour organic relationships which are easier to maintain. 

“How Might We…”: 
Develop some type of interactive exercise that creates more opportunities and motivates intergenerational relationships which are maintainable and beneficial for both parties? 

Motivate the elderly audience to actively engage in an intergenerational activity?

Help make elderly feel like valued members of society?

Encourage youth to willingly and consistently engage with the elderly? 

Wellington City Mission 
Rest Homes in the Wellington Region.
Ministry of Health
Grey Power?


‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’: 
Connect, Give, Keep Learning

This project will develop an active engagement and connection, it will give both the elderly and the youth an opportunity to learn from each other. It encourages society to take notice of these issues and implement changes through community engagement.

We showed this brief to our peers and also Jason and received some feedback...

From the feedback, we have re-thought some areas...

  • Get specific about the elderly audience...Are we talking about resthome elderly or living at home elderly, with a partner/without?
  • We have chosen to focus on elderly living alone (without a spouse) at home as these people might be the most affected by loneliness. 
  • Need to back up assumptions with references. 
  • Rework the "how might we..." is too similar to desired outcome. 
  • We can bulk out some points, have different paragraphs talking about different things. 
  • For "precedents" would be good to look into cultures whose elderly are well looked after and live with younger generations. 


If we had more time it would've been awesome to mock up the actual event more. E.g. interior design, outside signage, our printed coll...